Insider Threat Assessment

Guarding Against Insider Threats with the WKL Tactical Security Assessment

The White Knight Labs Insider Threat service is a tactical security assessment that simulates real-world insider attacks to identify potential vulnerabilities in your organization’s security posture.

Examples of Common Insider Threat Objectives Include:
Gaining Administrative Access to Critical Systems: Malicious insiders might attempt to gain administrative access to critical systems or applications, allowing them to access sensitive data or cause damage to the network.

Accessing Sensitive File Share Information: Insiders might attempt to gain access to sensitive file share information, such as proprietary software, customer data, or trade secrets, which could be stolen or sold.

Stealing Valuable Intellectual Property: Malicious insiders might attempt to steal valuable intellectual property, such as proprietary software or confidential business plans, for personal gain or to harm the organization.

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Authorized social engineering attacks: prepare and deliver targeted campaigns

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We initiate a contained ransomware simulation to test your response measures

Our team utilizes any method that can be executed in a very stealthy manner to gain access to objectives, such as exploiting AD misconfigurations, identifying privilege escalation paths from inside, and cracking weak passwords. We employ a variety of techniques to simulate real-world insider attacks and gain access to your internal network.

Uncovering Gaps and Weaknesses

White Knight Labs Insider Threat Assessment begins from assumed points of breach, including:

New Hire Laptop with VPN Connection

Our team simulates an attack where a new employee’s laptop with VPN access has been compromised, allowing an attacker to gain access to your internal network.

Remote Desktop Solutions or VDI

Our team simulates an attack where an attacker has compromised your remote desktop solution or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) and has gained access to your internal network through this means.

Azure or Cloud Based Access

Our team simulates an attack where an attacker has gained access to your cloud-based resources, such as Microsoft Azure, and has used this access to compromise your internal network.

These examples begin conversations to help our clients modify or customize the scenarios as needed to better reflect their unique security posture and potential vulnerabilities. By simulating attacks from these starting points, we can identify potential gaps and weaknesses and provide actionable recommendations to improve your overall security posture.

Detailed Insights and Actionable Recommendations to Enhance your Security Posture

At the conclusion of our engagement, we provide a detailed report of our findings and recommendations for addressing any vulnerabilities that were identified during the assessment. Our ultimate goal is to help you better understand the risk of insider attacks and take proactive steps to safeguard against them.

The WKL Insider Threat Assessment is a comprehensive security assessment that simulates real-world insider attacks to uncover potential vulnerabilities in your organization’s security posture.

By taking a tactical approach and completing objectives that simulate what a malicious insider might attempt, we can help you better protect your sensitive data and systems.

Contact us today to schedule an assessment and take the first step towards securing your organization against insider threats.

“In 2019, a disgruntled employee of a healthcare organization was caught selling confidential patient data to third-party vendors.

The employee, who had been with the company for several years, had become upset, angry, and mad at the company due to perceived unfair treatment by their supervisor.

The employee had intentionally installed a malware payload on their company-issued laptop, which allowed them to gain unauthorized access to sensitive patient data. They then sold this data to third-party vendors, who used it for targeted advertising.

The healthcare organization eventually discovered the data breach when they noticed unusual activity on their network. A thorough investigation revealed the employee’s involvement, and the company terminated the employee’s employment and reported the breach to the appropriate authorities.

This story highlights the importance of monitoring employee behavior and access to sensitive data, particularly in situations where employees may become disgruntled or have access to sensitive information.

By simulating insider attacks like this, our “Insider Threat” service offering can help organizations identify potential vulnerabilities in their security posture and take proactive steps to safeguard against insider threats.”

Patient Privacy Predicament

“In 2017, a former employee of a technology company was caught attempting to sell their login credentials to an unauthorized individual. The employee, who had been with the company for several years, had been given access to sensitive data as part of their job responsibilities.

The employee had posted their login credentials for sale on a dark web marketplace and was caught when a company security team member discovered the post during routine monitoring. The security team immediately launched an investigation and discovered the employee’s attempts to sell their login credentials.

Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the employee had also accessed sensitive data that they were not authorized to access, potentially compromising the security of the company’s network.

As a result of this insider threat, the technology company suffered reputational damage and had to undertake significant remediation efforts to protect against future insider threats. This story highlights the importance of monitoring employee access and taking proactive steps to protect against insider threats, such as implementing a strong access control policy and regular security awareness training for employees.

By simulating insider attacks like this, our “Insider Threat” service offering can help organizations identify potential vulnerabilities in their security posture and take proactive steps to safeguard against insider threats.”

Employee Credentials for Sale

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At White Knight Labs, our risk reduction strategy melds unparalleled technical acumen with a client-focused approach to deliver targeted, cost-effective, and accessible solutions that fortify your organization against the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape.


At White Knight Labs, we leverage our cybersecurity expertise to safeguard your business integrity, ensuring you operate securely, confidently, and build trust in an interconnected digital world.


At White Knight Labs, we deploy cutting-edge cybersecurity measures and personalized strategies to offer unwavering data protection, reinforcing our commitment to preserving your company’s invaluable digital assets.

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